Spring Screenings

What do you think of when you hear the term “self-care”? A week-long wellness retreat or lengthy bubble baths every night? Does it feel like an extravagance you don’t have time for because of work, family, or other daily responsibilities?
If so, we’d like you to consider another angle this season: Why not drop a little spring screening into your spring cleaning? Scheduling an appointment you need is one way to tidy up your to-do list. Plus, caring for yourself helps you continue to care for the ones you love.
Self-care isn’t selfish—and it doesn’t have to be complicated, time-consuming, or expensive, either. In fact, with the help of your care team, you can be both tactical and practical:
When you get an annual exam, it’s self-care.
When you monitor your blood pressure, it’s self-care.
When you get screened for cancer, diabetes, STIs, or hypertension, it’s self-care.
When you and your provider create a plan to get (or stay) healthy, it’s self-care.
When you discuss ways to lower stress levels, it’s self-care.
Preventive screenings help you create health baselines and reduce the chances of having unexpected issues in the future. And understanding your body helps you and your provider recognize more quickly when something doesn’t feel quite right.
If that’s not enough, here are two more good reasons to make an appointment: Knowledge is power and early detection saves lives.
So, when you do see your provider, the more you share at each visit, the better. You are building a relationship with them, shining a light on your family health history, and working together to set and reach your goals.
Schedule a visit
Self-care is starting to feel downright productive, isn’t it? Bring renewed body wisdom and clarity into the longer, warmer days of spring.
Schedule a screening, annual exam, or other type of visit today with your care team at the Barclays Health Center.